For the last seven years, Ranger Laurie Humphrey has led volunteers on projects involving exotic plant removal, landscape maintenance, and trail clearing during National Public Lands Day (NPLD). NPLD is the last Saturday in September every year, and this year falls on September 28.
NPLD educates Americans about the environment and natural resources, and the need for shared stewardship of these valued, irreplaceable lands; builds partnerships between the public sector and the local community based upon mutual interests in the enhancement and restoration of America's public lands; and improves public lands for outdoor recreation, with volunteers assisting land managers in hands-on work.
In 2012, volunteers cut back the roadside vegetation, mostly Cocoplum from the Tamiami Trail/US41 turn off to the Shark Valley Entrance Station. Since ground breaking for the new visitor center, parking spaces were minimized and this allowed visitors, who park along US41 a safe pathway to the visitor center and tram rides.
In 2011, volunteers removed exotic Brazilian pepper along the old US41 road. This helped manage the spread of Brazilian pepper and provided clear access to the old road for birders, recreationalists, and overflow parking for visitors.
For 2013, volunteers will be dismantling the butterfly garden around the old Visitor Center and creating new ones near the site of the soon-to-be new Visitor Center. It will require digging, lifting, and certainly getting dirty.
Join us and support NPLD’s 20th anniversary and Everglades National Park.
“1/3 of America’s land is yours. Consider spending 1/365 of your time preserving it.”